13, 14 y 15 de Diciembre 2019

Centro Cívico Delicias
(Av. de Navarra, 54, 50010 Zaragoza)

III festival

Music in the clouds

This 2019 marks a qualitative leap with the definitive location of the festival at the Centro Cívico Delicias in Zaragoza, an emblematic place in the city.

The music of the band VIVERE MEMENTO and the surprising music of EFREN LÓPEZ & MEIRA SEGAL open a festival where sensations are lived to the skin.

With the performance of ZOPLI-2 from Andalusia, the beauty of the compositions of JAVIER BERGIA & BEGOÑA OLAVIDE and the magic displayed by the quartet of harps from Galicia LULAVAI we were able to touch the clouds once again.

We had the opportunity to get to know the geological works of REPLIM, and the IPE from where the data for the elaboration of ‘Memoria de Marboré’ were taken and studied.

Hurdy-gurdy, ney, tambourine, world dances and recycled instruments workshops as well as a painting exhibition by Ramón Faro, Human loops show (Raquel Cruces), luthiers exhibition and a round table on the situation of folk music in Aragon completed the programme.



decoración separación en el centro